Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. How do I place orders?
Visit our Shopping Indulgence page and choose the products of your choice. You can just add the products by clicking on the images. Once you are done shopping, you can click on the shopping cart and proceed to with providing your full information and payment details. Take note to choose the delivery details based on your total orders. Orders above SGD200 will be delivered free. Once the information and payment has been made, we will send you an invoice and arrange the delivery schedule.
If you require any personalisation, contact us by filling in our enquiry form and we will contact you shortly.
2. Can I make payment by CASH?
In order to track our invoices we do not accept any cash payment. Payment can be made via credit card/debit card, Pay Pal account and wire transfer to our bank account.
3. Can I get a refund after making the orders?
We do not issue refunds for orders that have been accepted.
4. Can I arrange for self-collection?
Arrangement for self-collection at Tampines MRT can be made, subject to our schedule availability.
5. How long can your cakes and pastries last?
The cakes and pastries are best consumed within one(1) week, with proper refrigeration.
For cookies, they are best consumed within one(1) month and kept in air-tight containers.
6. Do you accept last minute orders?
We do not accpet last minute orders. Orders have to be made at least three(3) days in advance.
7. Can I place an order for a cake and have it delivered to my friend's address?
You can indicate the delivery/shipping address when you fill up the information in the shopping cart.
8. I am living in USA, can I place orders for my family in Singapore?
We accept orders from overseas, do indicate the delivery/shipping address as requested. Due the nature of our products, delivery/shipping can only be made in Singapore.
9. I am a Muslim. Are your products safe for my consumption?
All our products are made using HALAL ingredients. You can safely consume it.
10. Do you conduct baking classes?
At present, we do not conduct baking classes. We will notify on our website should we decide to organise a class in future.
11. Can I have food tasting?
We do not conduct food tasting sessions.
12. Can I place orders through phone?
We only accept orders through our website in order to track our invoices and payment. If you require customization, please fill up our contact form indicating your request.
13. Can I arrange your services for my wedding?
We accept orders for wedding cakes, dessert buffet and wedding favours. We would need at least one(1) month's notice before we can proceed. You can send in your request via our contact form.
14. I have some enquiries on ordering for my company function, how do I contact you?
You can fill up our corporate orders enquiry form and our consultants will in touch with you.
If you have any other questions not listed here, please fill up our contact form and we will get in touch with you shortly. Thank you.